
Headshot of Douglas de Toledo Piza

Douglas de Toledo Piza is an Assistant Professor of International Affairs at Lafayette College. His research focuses on long-term engagement with communities and his interests include South-South migration, Chinese diaspora policies, South America borderlands, climate and environmental mobilities, Central American asylum seekers, U.S. immigration enforcement reform, special economic zones, and informal economy.

As an educator, he strives to make his teaching a transformative experience through a diverse curriculum that elevates voices underrepresented in academia, an inclusive learning environment that fosters participation, and a critical thinking vision that seeks equity.

Additionally, Dr. de Toledo Piza is an analyst with experience in research institutions and nonprofit organizations promoting rights and enhancing protection for migrants, asylum seekers, displaced people, and vulnerable populations.


Oechsle Center for Global Education

43 South College Drive, Office Room 219

Lafayette College

Easton PA 18042

P: 610-330-5914